As we say good~bye and probably good riddance to 2020 (and yes, I have had many moments of wanting it be over) and welcome 2021; I know I have a choice. I can choose to dwell on the negative or focus on the positive. While so much is out of my control, how I choose to react to things is up to me.
I choose to be grateful. I choose to embrace all the goodness of the past year.
I am grateful for my family, although there were and are times they drive me crazy (we’ve been ”locked” up together for a long, long, time now), we are all healthy and safe. That is what’s most important.
I am grateful for some baby steps toward mending a strained relationship. Maybe a bit of a Christmas Miracle.
I am grateful for friends that I was able to reach out to. Grateful for them being there to listen, offer words of wisdom, and to talk me off the ledge as I opened a business in the middle of a pandemic when the world was in quarantine. What was I thinking?
I am grateful for being able to share yoga with a fantastic group of Yogis and Yoginis who stuck with me, transitioned to, and embraced yoga on "The Zoom"! I am grateful for the few classes I was able to share with my community, in the park, when the weather and lifted restrictions allowed, and for those that came and tried a class. I am grateful I was able to continue my yoga studies as I move forward in my journey.
I am grateful for all the things I’m working through and learning about myself. I am grateful for being perfectly imperfect and being able to embrace those imperfections.
I am grateful for my practice, which has helped me to do that.
Who knows what this new year will bring? Nothing magically changed at the stroke of midnight, that much I know. It will be up to us to choose how we move forward into this new year, this new season, in this journey this is our life.
Will there be more sorrow, before there is more joy, more beauty? Will you find more opportunities to be grateful?
The new year offers a chance to reflect and set new intentions. As you may know, I like to think of each seasonal shift as a time to check in and let go of what isn't working, take what is, and set new intentions for the season ahead.
Several years ago I started picking a Word for the Year.
Here are my words from the past few years.

This year my word is "BELIEVE".
I believe things will start to get better.
I believe we will come out okay on the other side of all the chaos.
Life may look a little different, things may have changed, we may have changed, but I choose to believe it/we will be okay. I hope you do too.
Comment below and share your thoughts.
I will leave you today with a little Metta Meditation. a wish for good and loving kindness in the days to come.
May everyone be happy
May everyone be healthy
May everyone be peaceful
May everyone be safe
May everyone be free from suffering